3 Questions to Inspire Meaningful Conversations with Your Teenager.

Do you want a more powerful way to connect with, empower and engage your teen?

If so, we have something that can help. Our free "3 Questions to Inspire" can help you get the information you need to get back on track!

  • Replace three common questions with three questions developed from the Meaningful Question process and feel the difference immediately. 
  • Learn how small changes can inspire big thinking.
  • Discover how easy strengthening connections can be with a simple, yet scientific, change in a question.

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How it has helped others


Hagerman, ID

"I had no idea I was asking questions all wrong. This resource helped me understand how to do it better in a easy way."


Austin, TX

“I can see how this resource would be great for not just parents but teachers and even coaches! Thanks for the info.”

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